Mass Schedule
Weekday 8:30 am + Rosary at St. John's
4:00 pm, St. John's
6:00 pm, St. Mary's
9:00 am, St. John
3:15 - 3:45
at St. John's
4:00 pm, St. John's
6:00 pm, St. Mary's
9:00 am, St. John
3:15 - 3:45
at St. John's
The Altar & Rosary Society will be hosting Coffee Hour the last Sunday of each month following the 9 am Mass. Please stay and get to know your neighbors in the pews!
You are welcome to bring a food or drink item to share.
Save the Date!
Sunday October 13
at St. John the Baptist
in Boston
Price is $18 per dinner. This is a drive through event, but we have a limited amount of seating in the dining room where you can eat from your take out container.
Menu includes:
Mashed Potatoes
Bread Stuffing
Information continued below.....
St. John's annual turkey dinner will be next weekend - Sunday October 13 from 11 am until sold out. There are volunteer sheets near the bulletins to let you know when you can come to help. This is so much more then a is a great way to get to know other parishioners and have fun. We are truly blessed to have a very small group of workers who lead all the work each day - come and support them by helping when you can.
All of the proceeds from this dinner will be deposited into St. John's Cemetery Account. We are in great need of drainage work in the cemetery. Each dinner is $18, which sounds like a lot - until you go out to eat and see how much restaurants charge! Donations of baked goods, especially pies, are greatly appreciated and can be dropped off Saturday before 4 pm Mass or Sunday morning.
October is the month of Mary - the Altar & Rosary Society would like us to pray the Rosary starting 20 min before Mass each weekend in October. Please come early and pray with us or join in when you get there.
From the Pastor’s Desk…
I am very pleased to announce that Rev. Paul Mukasa has been assigned as a Parochial Vicar
to our Family of Parishes (St. John the Baptist, Boston; St. Bernadette and Nativity of Our
Lord, Orchard Park; SS. Peter & Paul, Hamburg), effective July 19, 2024. He will be with
us until May 24, 2025, and reside at SS. Peter & Paul in Hamburg.
In his letter to Fr. Mukasa making this assignment, Bishop Michael Fisher wrote:
As you prepare to assume this responsibility, I invite you to reflect again upon the
passages from Scripture in which Our Lord offers an example to all those who minister in
the Church. Christ’s compassion for sinners, His eagerness to bring the healing presence
of the Father to all, and His desire to bring the gifts of the Holy Spirit serve as guideposts
for us in our ministry. In a special way, your ministry continues the priestly ministry of
Jesus as you proclaim the Gospel and celebrate the sacraments. I ask that in a special
way you pray for and work to encourage vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
As the Diocese of Buffalo proceeds with the Road to Renewal process, your
priestly ministry as Parochial Vicar is vital. Under the guidance of Rev. James Ciupek,
Pastor of Family #28, exercise pastoral care and foster collaboration, as requested, with
other parishes to facilitate the Family of Parishes model.
After a short visit to Uganda, his home country, Fr. Paul will be involved in various ministries in
our parishes, and scheduled to celebrate weekend Masses. Given the shortage of Priests, we are very blessed to have Fr. Mukasa assigned to us. Please join me in giving a very warm welcome to him whenever you might meet him! I think you will find him to be a very pleasant and engaging Priest.
May God bless and guide us all during these very challenging times in our local Church!
Fr. Jim
1. Projected number of active priests for the family by 2030 = 2
2. Based upon scoring and metrics, it is recommended that the family rightsize and reshape this family evaluating the following recommendations:
a. St. John the Baptist will merge with SS. Peter and Paul in Hamburg.
b. Utilization of St. John's sites as secondary worship sites.
c. St. Bernadette in Orchard Park is recommended to merge with SS. Peter
and Paul in Hamburg.
d. Sale of entire property of St. Bernadette is recommended.
1. St. John the Baptist in Boston is a needed location for the surrounding area, especially with recommended merger and closure of the St. George, West Falls parish. The practicality of utilizing the East Eden site on a weekly basis for mass will have to be determined by the family going forward, but sale of this site is not possible with the cemetery.
2. St. Bernadette is located in an area of the Diocese that needs to be rightsized and is the only parish in that family that does not have a cemetery.
3. St. Bernadette is only 5 min. away from SS. Peter and Paul in Hamburg and 9 min. from Nativity of Our Lord in Orchard Park.
4. This is a strategic move to address number of priests to minister to this family.
At St. John the Baptist Parish and St. Mary's Oratory, we depend on volunteers to help us keep our churches beautiful and clean. When a group gets together, it is much easier, quicker and enjoyable. Please consider helping out when you are available.
St. John's - Wed. Sept. 18 at 9:30 am
St. Mary's - Wed. Sept. 4 @ 9 am
Martin Luther King Jr.
In order to address a projected, serious shortage of priests in 2030 (99 priests to staff 160 parishes), parishes are being grouped into families that will share resources and priests.
Our parish was originally scheduled to implement the change beginning in October, 2024. The timeline has been updated and we are now scheduled to begin the process on the first of next month: October, 2022. Please select the image to the right for more information.
St. John the Baptist Parish and St. Mary's Oratory
6895 Boston Cross Road, Boston, New York 14025, United States
Copyright © 2024 St. John the Baptist Parish and St. Mary's Oratory - All Rights Reserved.