Planning your wedding is an exciting time in your life. Please contact the church and get a confirmed date before committing to any other venue. We can usually confirm a date at the first meeting.
The first meeting will be planned at the earliest convenience of the couple. At that time, we will verify the couple is eligible to be married and confirm the date. We cannot confirm a date for the wedding until we have this meeting. Please do not book a venue before confirming a date with the church. The bride and groom are asked to bring a recently issued (within the past 6 months) baptismal certificate with them to the first meeting. It must be issued from the parish where you were baptized. Contact the rectory, (716) 941-3549, if the parish where you received your baptism has closed. We can determine where your records were transferred when your baptismal parish closed.
At least one party of the couple must be baptized Catholic to have a Catholic wedding. Permission or a dispensation must be requested if the party has not been baptized Catholic. This does NOT prevent the wedding from taking place.
You will be asked to complete a pre-cana class before the second meeting.
The second meeting is usually scheduled from one month to two weeks before the wedding date. You will be asked to confirm your intention to get married now that you have completed the Pre-Cana course. You are asked to bring the Pre-Cana certificate with you to this meeting.
The couple must have the wedding license for at least 24 hours before the wedding ceremony. Therefore, it is our suggestion that you have the license when you come to the second meeting.
The rehearsal is usually scheduled one or two days before the wedding, when the wedding party arrives in town. The couple will be asked to present the civil wedding license. The flow of the wedding is arranged at this meeting: the order the bridesmaids or couples proceed down the aisle is set, the seating of the parents, use if a unity candle or other symbolic ritual, readers, etc
Please contact the office to set up your first meeting.
St. John the Baptist Parish and St. Mary's Oratory
6895 Boston Cross Road, Boston, New York 14025, United States