Hello Families,
We are now accepting enrollment registration for the upcoming Faith Formation year. This year we are making available our programs at SS Peter and Paul, Nativity of our Lord and St. John the Baptist.
At this time St. Bernadette’s isn’t accepting students from other parishes due to the uncertainty of the diocesan recommendations which include their expected closing. The one exception is the God’s Family program for families whose members have different special needs that make participation in a traditional program a challenge. For more information about this exceptional opportunity please call Sharon Urbaniak at the St. Bernadette Faith Formation office at 716-649-3090 x 127.
Below are summaries of the programs offered. For more information, click on the link for the Faith Formation program at each parish.
SS Peter and Paul
· All Sunday morning classes begin with either 7:30 or 9:30 Mass followed by class. Grades K- 8 are attended as a family. High school students attend Mass with their family and then go to class with their peers.
Grades K-8 begin each monthly lesson in a large group with opening prayer, a Bible verse lesson, and discussion about two saints and Mass.
· Grades 1-5 work in classes with their peers during some of the lessons and other times work with their parents in a large group setting.
· Grades 6-8, after the opening large group lesson move into grade level classrooms. Parents who do not have younger children go to the classroom with their middle schooler.
· Some months while the students are in class there is a speaker presentation for the parents.
· In addition to the once a month class time, grades 1-8 then have 3 book chapters they complete at home each month. The textbook series aligns topics so a family can work together on the topic while each child learns at their own level.
High school catechesis and Confirmation preparation meet in classrooms with Catholic High school students joining with our second year students to prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. These classes also include home study materials based in year 1 catechesis and Confirmation prep work.
SS Peter and Paul Enrollment, information and calendar:
· For families and children (Pre-K to Grade 9)
· All sessions begin with Family Mass at 9 am
· Parents and /or guardian/grandparents attend sessions with children on the first Sunday of each month.
· Children meet every Sunday (after Mass)
· Sessions are in the school and end at 11:15 am.
· Sessions include, prayer and reflection from the Sunday readings, ideas for celebrating the Liturgical Seasons, refreshers on typical Catholic devotions and the introductions (review) of various Sacramentals that can be used at home.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd will be presented at sessions on weeks 2, 3, 4 (and 5) of each month for ages 3 – 6 years.
· Learn about Catechesis of the Good Shepherd HERE and/or HERE (click the blue box on the next page that says BROWSE YOUTUBE).
· For families and children (Pre-K to Grade 6)
· Parents and children attend all sessions
· Sessions meet Wednesdays on the 1st and 3rd full week of each month
· We begin at 6:30 and end at 7:30pm.
· Families are welcome to stay and chat afterwards for as long as they like.
· Wednesday intergenerational sessions are intended for families with children, parents, grandparents, singles, and anyone who would like to join us.
· Sessions include, prayer and reflection from the readings the Sunday readings, ideas for celebrating the Liturgical Seasons, refreshers on typical Catholic devotions and the introductions (review) of various Sacramentals that can be used at home.
· Weekly sessions Mondays 7:00-8:00pm.
· Multimedia sessions with Church teaching and discussion, combined with monthly prayer experiences in the church, adoration chapel or outdoors.
· Discipleship groups engage in focused discussion/reflection on Scripture and Tradition as they prepare for the upcoming Sunday Mass.
Nativity enrollment and information
St. John the Baptist
Pre K through 9th grades meet each Sunday morning following the 9 am Mass. From 10 am - 11:15 am.
The first Sunday of each month (except Dec. & Jan - when it will be the 2nd Sun.) is a Family Mass
- one grade is responsible to "work" - greet, take collection, lector, take gifts up if possible
- Children's Liturgy - young children are taken to the breezeway for a child appropriate lesson / activity
The First Sunday of each month is also Family Class
- parent(s) attend class with their children
- we stay as a group in the dining room for a lesson / activity or do "stations" and go to 2 different activities
All other Sundays, the children are in a classroom with a teacher
(we have off when there are holidays or school vacations)
We meet from the 1st Sunday following Labor Day Weekend until the last weekend in April.
Confirmation class is presently on Monday evening from 6 pm to 7:30 pm
Registration form with tuition prices below.
St. John’s enrollment and information
A few final notes:
· If you have questions about any of the above programs, please call the Faith formation office for that program. SSPP (716) 649-0231, Nativity of our Lord (716) 662-2169, St. John the Baptist (716) 574-7129
· Some of our programs have space limits so they will be filled first come, first served.
· To be registered in any of the programs you must fill out the forms and pay the fees. If a financial hardship exists please contact the office for the program you wish to participate in.
· If you participate in Reconciliation or Eucharist sacramental preparation you will still make the sacrament at your parish. Confirmation is planned to be celebrated together as it was last year.
St. John the Baptist Parish and St. Mary's Oratory
6895 Boston Cross Road, Boston, New York 14025, United States
Copyright © 2025 St. John the Baptist Parish and St. Mary's Oratory - All Rights Reserved.